The Origin Story of Adventure Cocoon?

In 2008, our founder, Sheila Ostroff ventured to India to explore the diverse landscapes and to be immersed in rich culture. She humbly traversed from an airplane to train, bus, rickshaw, boat, and guest houses. She experienced unpredictable weather from sweltering dry heat to the cold, cloudy, and harsh wind. She witnessed so many breathtaking landscapes from the boulders of Hampi to Paradise Beach, to the streets of Bangalore, and the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas. Inspired by her surroundings and in her desire to be comfortable and protected during her travels she designed the original adventure cocoon, which she continues to use on her travels around the world.

The story of our initial product launch, of our adventure cocoon: In the summer of 2018 Sheila joined Bird’s Eye Business Planning & Adventure team, as the project coordinator.  Her onboarding began with a series of conversations about what her own entrepreneurial dreams are and what type of products she would develop if given the time and resources to do so. She shared a story with Birds Eye Founder, Annie Milroy Price, of a product of which she had a prototype made for herself during her solo travels in India. Annie’s enthusiasm for this idea stemmed from her own background in fair trade and product design and she decided to invest Birds Eye resources into its development.  Annie and Sheila joined their skills to bring it into the market under Birds Eye’s muse brand, Turquoise Ladder.

Next Chapter…

We are excited to announce that we are setting out on an adventure rebranding this Spring of 2021 with the launch of Adventure Cocoon.

Our Parter

Our partner, an organization called Destiny Reflection works to empower our team of women with employment, skills, and education which is a powerful way to help prevent exploitation. Destiny Reflection’s social enterprise programs connect to provide a support structure that contributes to each women’s well-being, growth, and livelihood. As they are supported through their individual successes and challenges, we can help our team of women towards opportunity and freedom.


What Does it Mean to “Cocoon”?


A Little About Our Founder